
3 Questions Answered About Where To File For Bankruptcy

If you're facing difficult financial times, filing for bankruptcy may be your best option. Qualifying for this legal status can certainly take a load off your mind when it comes to debt you simply can't pay. It's important for your overall success to know specific details about the filing process and where you should go to file. Getting any of your questions answered about the location and details of the filing process can be extremely helpful to you in this situation.

Considering Bankruptcy? 4 Things You Should Never Do Before Filing

If you're considering bankruptcy as a way to get out of debt, there are some things you need to know before you file. Bankruptcy is often the only option available once the debt has become unsurmountable. Unfortunately, some actions that you take prior to filing for bankruptcy can come back to haunt you later. Here are just a few of the things you should never do before you file for bankruptcy protection.

Is It Possible To Keep A Second Home After Filing For Bankruptcy?

Once you file for bankruptcy, all of your assets will be closely examined by a bankruptcy trustee. Whether or not you will be able to keep those assets, such as a second home, is dependent on various factors. If you are concerned you might lose your second home after filing for Chapter 7, here is what you need to know.  What Can Possibly Happen to Your Second Home? In a Chapter 7 filing, there are usually only two things that can occur with your second home.

Rebuilding Your Life After Bankruptcy

In 2015, there will be an estimated 800,000 bankruptcy filings in the United States, but this relatively common process still leaves many families feeling confused, guilty and isolated. The social stigma surrounding bankruptcy has led many people to believe that their lives will be ruined after filing. Although the road to recovery can be long and difficult, there are steps you can take to get your finances back on track. 

Social Security Disability: The Requirements For A Back Injury & How A Lawyer Can Help

Did you fall from a ladder at work and now have a hard time functioning because of back problems? If your back has caused you to lose income because you are unable to work from the pain, you may be able to get social security disability (SSD) benefits. Learn about the requirements for obtaining social security benefits and what a lawyer can do to help you get your application approved.